Ground investigations to start at potential substation locations 

From Tuesday 29th October 2024, a programme of ground investigations will commence at two locations associated with potential onshore infrastructure relating to the proposed Spiorad na Mara project.

Works will take place within Area of Interest 2b for the project’s potential landfall substation and within the wider Area of Search around that location (see Map 1), for cable and access routes in this area. Investigations will also take place within the Area of Search for the proposed grid substation site at Arnish (Map 2).

The investigations will include the drilling of test boreholes and digging of test pits to determine the sub-surface ground conditions. These are expected to take around three weeks to complete at each location.

The work is being carried out by geotechnical investigation specialists and will take place at agreed locations which have been identified through prior studies and engagement with stakeholders.

In the event of any queries, please contact Kathleen Milne, Community Liaison Officer at or telephone 07442 585935.

Map 1 - Landfall Areas of Search and Landfall Substation Areas of Interest
Map 1 - Landfall Areas of Search and Landfall Substation Areas of Interest
Map 2 - Grid Substation Area of Search
Map 2 - Grid Substation Area of Search
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