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23rd September to 23rd October 2024

The first phase of public consultation on the proposed Spiorad na Mara offshore wind project took place between  Monday 23rd September and Wednesday 23rd October.

What are the public consultations about?

Public consultation is an essential part of the development process for Spiorad na Mara. Before we submit our key consents applications, we will hold two phases of public consultation, during which we will share details of our plans as they are developing and seek your feedback and input.

This was the first of the two phases, and is in addition to the programme of wider engagement which has been ongoing since the seabed area option was awarded to us by the Scottish Government in 2022 and which will continue throughout the development, construction and operations of the windfarm, if built. The wider programme includes community drop-ins, which took place in June, July and August and will resume in November after this period of consultation has ended.

We are also open to receiving feedback at any time and may be contacted using the contact details below.

Where did the consultations take place?

We are committed to being inclusive in our consultation activities and to maximising opportunities for participation by all.

To achieve this, we made  information available online, held  in-person exhibitions and made project personnel available for small-group or individual meetings through information clinics. 

Our first phase of consultation started on Monday 23rd September, with the launch of an on-line consultation room which ran until Thursday 23rd October. On Tuesday 24th September, we held the first of seven in-person consultation events  around the island- details below.

What was consulted on?

During this first phase of public consultation, we shared our latest updates on all aspects of the project, including environmental and technical assessments, ground investigations and offshore and onshore surveys.

The range of topics consulted on included: offshore array layout options; offshore cable route corridors; onshore cable route corridors; landfall and substation locations; Operations and Maintenance approach; our Environmental Impact Assessment work, and employment and supply chain opportunities.

As our initial plans continue to take shape, feedback was invited which will inform how we seek to design the project in a way that best addresses the concerns and desires of local people, whilst also balancing relevant technical and environmental considerations.



Public Exhibitions

Tues 24th SeptClan MacQuarrie Centre3-8pm
Wed 25th SeptBarvas and Brue Community Centre3-8pm
Thu 26th SeptOld School, Shawbost3-8pm
Mon 30th SeptStornoway Town Hall3-8pm
Tue 1st OctCarloway Community Centre 3-8pm
Wed 2nd OctUig Community Centre3-8pm
Thu 3rd OctGreat Bernera Community Centre3-8pm

Dedicated Information Clinics

by appointment only

Fri 4th Oct

An Lanntair (downstairs)


Sat 5th Oct

Caberfeidh Hotel


Mon 7th Oct

Raebhat House, Horshader


Tue 8th Oct

Breasclete Community Centre


Wed 9th Oct



Download our exhibition resources



As we continue to shape and design the project, your feedback is very important to us.

We want to hear from you and look forward to building on the relationships already established with communities and stakeholder representatives on the Western Isles/North west of Scotland.

You can contact us in the following ways: 

Kathleen Milne
Community Liaison Officer

Denise Horan
Consultation and Local Engagement Lead

Richard Joseph
Company Fisheries Liaison Officer

Calum Macleod
Fisheries Industry Representative

Media Enquiries
Steve Thomas
Communications Lead

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