Spiorad na Mara is a Scottish Gaelic expression meaning Spirit of the Sea.

The proposed wind farm is set in an area approximately 5-13 kilometres off the west coast of the Isle of Lewis. With a potential expected capacity of around 900MW, it could meet the average annual electricity needs of around 1.2 million Scottish homes and save more than 1.7 million tonnes of harmful CO2 emissions every year.

The project is owned by Northland (75.5%) and ESB (24.5%), with Northland leading on the development, construction, and operation.


Indicative Timeline

About the project

Set in an area approximately 5-13 kilometres off the west coast of the Isle of Lewis, the site of ‘Spiorad na Mara’ (Scottish Gaelic for Spirit of the Sea) neighbours the unique coastline of western Lewis. This area has deep connections with the seafaring industry. The wind farm’s brand identity is a tribute to the lives which were spent at sea in the Outer Hebrides. To this day, working at sea is a popular vocation in these communities. 

The figurehead is a visual reference to some important characters in Hebridean folklore. The Seelie Faeries were said to inhabit the lochs and seas of Lewis, and protect humans. As recently as the nineteenth century, local sea men would offer libations to faeries before a trip to sea, sometimes walking into the water with a cup of brewed ale. Spiorad na Mara’s figurehead encapsulates the deep connection that local people share with the environment. It personifies the past and future relationships between Scotland, its people, its stories, and its seas.

Spiorad na mara location

1.2 million homes

Number of Scottish homes whose average annual electricity needs could be met with renewable electricity *

1.7 million

The equivalent number of tonnes of harmful carbon emissions that could be saved every year.

up to 66

Potential number of fixed bottom wind turbines


Expected potential capacity


Mean wind speed at hub height

40 - 75m

Water depth

161 km2

Approximate Project Area

* More than 1.2 million homes powered per annum based on the average Scottish annual household electricity consumption of 3,078 kWh in 2022 (https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/regional-and-local-authority-electricity-consumption-statistics) together with a minimum projected 50% wind load factor and a projected installed capacity of up to 900MW.

Northland Moorland landscape Isle of Lewis


  • Contribution to Scotland's 2045 net zero emissions target
  • Renewable electricity for up to 1.2 million Scottish homes
  • Up to 1.7 million tonnes of CO2 savings
  • Energy security for Scotland

Northalnd construction


  • Significant new infrastructure investment
  • New jobs during development, construction and operation
  • Opportunities for local ports
  • Opportunities for local, regional and national businesses

Stornoway Harbour


  • Multi million-pound community investment over the lifetime of the project
  • Working in partnership with local communities
  • Education and training opportunities
  • Encouraging local employment, subcontracting and material supply

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